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If we break this figure down further, we find that most men choose 6 or 8 ounces, 8 being slightly more popular among men. Most women prefer 4 to 6 ounce flasks. The interesting breakdown is that women buying for themselves tend to purchase the 6 ounce size and seem to prefer the slightly smaller 4 ounce flask when buying it as a gift for another woman. When women buy a flask as a gift for a man, they usually choose the 8 ounce size, as do men who are buying a gift for another man.
Regarding weddings, grooms generally give their groomsmen an 8 ounce flask, while most brides give their bridesmaids a 4 ounce flask.
A better question, however, may be, "what's the right size flask for me?" The truth is that everyone is different and it’s simply a matter of personal preference. There are a few basic questions that one can ask themselves to get a better picture of how to choose the right size flask.
How much liquid do you need? Keep in mind the amount of time you tend to stay at events - whether a birthday, wedding, office party, sports game, etc. Additionally, you need to consider the ease of concealment when picking out a flask size.
If you really can't decide what size to get, just flip a coin and pick one. At the end of the day, you'll simply be happy to own the flask. After all, size doesn't really matter anyway, right?