Does a 6 oz Flask Fit in your Back Pants Pocket?
For the most part, yes a six ounce flask will fit into the back pocket of your pants, and that is the beauty of owning and carrying a flask. You will be able to have your favorite libation with you, wherever you go, and whenever you want it. Of course, you sometimes need to be discreet when taking a sip, or when pouring some into another drink, cup, or whatever.
[caption id="attachment_1044" align="aligncenter" width="500"] This dude knows where it's at! Back pocket libations FTW!
Photo Credit: Mike Lang[/caption]
A regular pair of jeans made for a man with a slightly loose fit will generally hold a 6 oz hip flask quite comfortably. A typical pair of womens' jeans, generally a bit tighter of a fit, may be a little uncomfortable after a night of partying with a flask in the back pocket. But luckily for the ladies, they can try the 4 oz. size if they’re planning on wearing tighter-than-average jeans. There are some women who have been known to have a flask strapped to their leg, under a dress, which gives way to many possibilities in terms of flask placement.
Of course, a gal could also keep the flask in her pocketbook or purse, which is an added benefit. There was a time in America, during prohibition, when many people carried hip flasks with them, because alcohol was outlawed. It was a time when people simply weren't allowed to drink in public! Man, am I glad that era is over!
Now, if someone wears loose fitting or baggy pants, then there is no problem at all in carrying a hip flask in a back pants pocket. I'd be you can even conceal an eight ounce flask in a relaxed fit pants pocket. It is all a matter of personal preference. Just make sure to consider where are you going, what are you wearing, and how much liquor will you need for the day, evening, or road trip.