Although weddings can be costly, a beautifully memorable wedding doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, using a little ingenuity can save a good deal of money when planning weddings on a budget. Case in point is the reception bar, an area where you can save money without shortchanging your guests or undermining the beauty of the day. With this in mind, I’ve put together a list of four fun alternatives to the usual open bar wedding.
A Signature Wedding Cocktail
Rather than spend money on a variety of liquor and mixers, select one special cocktail that represents you and your new spouse. Personalized and unique, this drink not only provides a bit of insight into who the two of you are as a couple, but also is sure to be associated with your special day forever. In effect, this drink becomes your signature cocktail.
Heritage Drinks
Incorporating the cultural heritage of both the bride and the groom can be an important and resonant part of a wedding. Whether it’s Italian liqueurs such as Amaretto and Limoncello, the tequila-based cocktails of Mexico or Irish beers and ciders, to name a few, serving solely drinks that represent your cultures pays tribute to your families while saving money as well.
A Brunch Bar
Morning is a lovely time of day for weddings, and its brunch menu makes it less expensive as well. It’s an ideal time for serving budget-friendly drinks that are quite appropriate to the hour. Fruit juice-infused concoctions such as mimosa and Bloody Mary are perfect accompaniments to brunch fare.
Wine Bar
As a wonderful companion to any meal, wine also is a great choice for weddings. From Prosecco, an Italian wine with all the sparkle of champagne without the price, to full-bodied red wines or cool Chardonnay, offering your guests a selection of a few wines is an elegant touch that is easier on the budget than an open bar.
Just a few alternatives to an open bar wedding, these suggestions may spark a few unique wedding ideas of your own, enabling you to splurge in other areas to make your wedding dreams come true.